The Lighthouse of the World
The lighthouse stands on a lonely shore Shedding a ray in the night: Ships that are passing keep a close watch And follow the beam of light. God is the lighthouse of the world Shining by day and by night. Not just a ray to keep you from harm But a bright eternal light. For the sailor the light shines just for him And points the way to the sea; God's light keeps shining for everyone And for all eternity. (Ruth Moyer Gilmour) |
Life is a sea Some days are stormy, some are calm, Some days are filled with joy, some strife, But help me , Lord, that I may be Serene upon the sea of life. *** Help me to meet whatever comes With faith that all is for the best. If grief be mine, then let me be Prepared to meet the acid test *** Life is not difficult when skies Are bright and all the sails go well, But when the skies are thick and black, Yes, that's when character will tell. *** For life is like the sea, and storms Are bound to happen on the way. Lord give me strength and inner faith To meet whatever comes my way!
( Ester Nilsson) |
The lighthouse painting and the animations were created by me and
are copyrighted and marked, all rights reserved.
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